seeing the world

We are heading out into the world, to sense it and let it sense us. "Seeing" is not just visual, it is a dynamic comprehension of the stuff that happens in and around us. We hope to give you an interpretation of what we are feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling.

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She is a bear. He is a squid.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

starting out

This blog was started by Squid and Bear (Jonathan and Shannon)—not as a g rated travelogue so our families can keep track of us (though it will function as such quite adequately) but more as an honest account of our lives before and during our epic voyage, our Journey Around the World. Set on this delicate blue pearl called Earth, we two vigorous souls have decided to kick our butts out and stomp around a bit. Lets talk about the “doing” of being…heh heh

To plan a trip around the world is a stretch. Where do you go, how do you go, what about work, what about all of these companies who have come to rely on my monthly donation to them (you know, rent, cable, electric, credit card companies, school loans) I mean what are they going to do without me? Well, one of the first things one realizes as planning begins is just how expensive it is to live in the United States, and how freeingly cheap it is to live in most of the world at large. To seriously consider this kind of journey is to say that the journey is important—more important than what you are currently doing in life such as your work, your family, your stuff. What will your boss say if you go into the office and ask for 6 months off to go around the world? Imagine it right now if you will, you go in there and say “hi there, I need to talk to you about something…is now a good time?”Do you think you have the huevos? Ahem, perhaps you should think about why you need to have industrial huevos to ask someone if you can do something with your life for a short time…after all it is your life. Trite, yes. Important, yeah.
Bear has a story about that she might share with you, this is squid talking now.

For me the idea of breaking free to travel is part of my life, one of the most enjoyable and educational aspects of being alive. My exploits have taken me across country a couple of times, overseas twice, once for 3 months (Europe, which is very small and almost as expensive as the US). I have been a ski bum for many years, living between Cape Cod, Massachusetts and Killington, Vermont. The latter may not seem like travel but it is, there is a transience one can either accept or reject, an impermanence (however impermanent) to living in two places that can really set you on your ear. I am talking about that sense of comfort you gain with the familiar, with routine. I believe that sense of stability and comfort is false anyway, but the illusion makes one feel safer, insulated from danger or uncertainty (or being cold at night or hungry or sick and alone…). That sense of safety can keep us from seeing the world, and the expense of maintaining that sense (especially here in the U$A) can be downright crippling.

(did you just hear squid say he would rather risk being cold, hungry, sick and alone than live in a world of illusory confidence? What a nutcase)

Reflecting on that last paragraph I guess I need to qualify myself a bit for the readers. I am not living on a trust fund, nor do I have a rich and generous family. I have a generous family, and the riches we share or not monetary, we have love and understanding but very little money. So this life of travel and impermanence has been financed by me in my travels with no real breaks to speak of. I am not apologizing, just saying I grew up pretty poor.


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