seeing the world

We are heading out into the world, to sense it and let it sense us. "Seeing" is not just visual, it is a dynamic comprehension of the stuff that happens in and around us. We hope to give you an interpretation of what we are feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling.

My Photo

She is a bear. He is a squid.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Southern Hemisphere (Shannon)

Leaving Bali was sad for me. I missed Jon when I was alone for the last week, but I did a lot of writing and ink drawing. Besides, you're never alone in Bali. The family that adopted us was always around. So was the dog who adopted us, Munkin. Munkin means Maybe.

I had fun with our neighbor, Ibu Gill, a septagenarian South African Grand Dame, who is a successful photojournalist (Gillian Marais). We watched dvds and went to the endless temple ceremonies, which got wilder every night, culminating with Barong running amok when his spirit possessed the dancers. Gill came along when Wayan drove me to the airport. We said we won't say good-bye because I'll be back.

Hong Kong was hot and steamy, a pushy place for gettin' and spendin'. It's the only place I've ever been where the airport has more character than the city. But to prove Ibu Gill wrong ("The Chinese have no sensibilities at all!"), I spent the day in the Hong Kong museum looking at chilly ancient jade and centuries of ink paintings. I watched videos of old men painting in that meditative, decisive style. If you're ever stuck in a yucky foreign city, I recommend the good museum.

LA was shocking, culturally, all that speed and light and cellphone yakking. We had a great time with my sister Carrie and her husband John, eating the fast food and swimming in de pool. Got to hear my soon-to-be niece's heartbeat on ultrasound. It's a jazz show in there.

Now we're in Buenos Aires, a comfy European-feeling city (it's winter!), eating the beef and checking out the tango. Will we dance? More will be revealed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it weren’t for these tears
we’d have no rain at all.

High Water- Kristen Spexarth

Happening upon Peter and Sue on the bus to Boston last November, I enjoyed my time chatting with Peter as we passed the ride away catching up on West Palm Beach and such.
I have made a donation in memory of Peter at the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
love bruce

7:08 PM  

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