seeing the world

We are heading out into the world, to sense it and let it sense us. "Seeing" is not just visual, it is a dynamic comprehension of the stuff that happens in and around us. We hope to give you an interpretation of what we are feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling.

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She is a bear. He is a squid.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Cadiz to Ronda (Jonathan)

We took a travel day out of Santa Maria near Cadiz (spain for all those less geographically inclined like mio) and ended up staying in Cadis getting off at the wrong stop, on the outskirts of town. Decide to stay in Cadiz for night and go to a hostel called Quo Qadiz, nice little hippy throwback pad. Garbonzo soup for dinner there only 2 euros (3 bucks) and free music, some Raja squeezebox live. Up early for coffe and toast with marmalide and catch the 11 am for Tarifa at the southwestern tip of spain, little windsurfer mecca, beautiful town with good food (squid). We stood on a point looking at the hills of Africa dudes and dudettes...beautiful mist skirted african mountains against an azure spanish sky. Really want to go. Seeing an entire continent separated by such a small strait is exciting, makes me feel like the world just has so much in it! The strait of gibraltar is beautuful today. The skies lighten towards the dark continent--blue blue to an almost white horizon. The rock of Gibraltar is about 2 miles to my left as the crow flies, big jagged head of limestone with a green cape of pines leading south. We are in Algeceras during this scene, just after the bus ride from Tarifa, which was incredible, sit on the right side of the bus.! One rises on the northeast side of Tarifa past hills with hundreds of wind turbines all stopped because of a rare day without wind. The air is clear and you feel like you are sailing over the hills on the twisty road to Algiceras. Best 1.59 € we have spent yet!!
Ronda is a 3000 feet or so (Steve, thanks for the neat watch, I use all the functions all the time, especially altitude). Gets cold at night, down to 40 or so last night but most comfy night in the tent yet. More later, this place is really pretty and it is so cool being near to Africa...


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