seeing the world

We are heading out into the world, to sense it and let it sense us. "Seeing" is not just visual, it is a dynamic comprehension of the stuff that happens in and around us. We hope to give you an interpretation of what we are feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling.

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She is a bear. He is a squid.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


As Deb would say, with a notebook and pen; been doing that till now. I MISS Deb. I also would like to call my mom and Lisa, but we haven't been able to find a sim card that fits the phone yet.

It's Sunday in Dublin. There are birds with long blue tails Jon calls linnets. He's not sure if that's the name, but it sounds good, sounds Irish.

Yesterday was full of sun and riverwalking and climbing high things to get a view. The Jameson's Chimney view of Dublin isn't very exciting. Flat and gray and jumbly, ringed by fog, with bits of the Liffey slow and gray green. James Joyce's tower in Sandy Cove is fantastic with spreading views of the sea and people jumping in in freezing water at all times of year, oh the austerity. Even skinny little girls which is why someone spraypainted out the 'Gents Only' sign and added another: 'Wear Togs.' Yes I said Yes I will Yes.

The news is about Polish immigrants taking any jobs, and about not taking feminism for granted. And of course, the Pope is dead.

As for us, today we have the foolishness to rent a car. We're driving to Belfast.


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