seeing the world

We are heading out into the world, to sense it and let it sense us. "Seeing" is not just visual, it is a dynamic comprehension of the stuff that happens in and around us. We hope to give you an interpretation of what we are feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling.

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She is a bear. He is a squid.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Riding an Elephant [Shan]

25 May. Riding an elephant while she is taking a bath in the river and spraying water on me from her trunk is the most fun thing I have ever done in my life. Truly.

Up? The Haathi (elephant) kneeled down and the mahout lifted me up as I stepped on his palm. I was still only halfway across her back and had to scramble-fling myself. He rode her trunk up like an escalator and stood behind me. She rose. I grabbed the rope collar around her neck. He skin was rough and hard as wood with a few bristly black hairs. The ears are delicate, fanlike spongy flares, very expressive, pale pink and brown spotted. The head is massive. When she walks, it's like the earth moving. He gave a commnad in Tharu and she blasted us with cool water. Amazing!


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